Made of Bamboo (2018)
Kay noticed a common scene of secondhand stools being put on the street in different neighborhoods. These shabby looking stools, however, turn out to be the link gathering people in a community. At a street corner, you will find a group of people sitting on these stools chit-chatting, sharing snacks and tea; or you will see disabled or old people gladly sit on them just to have a rest after a long walk.
When the stools are slightly broken, people repair them in their own creative ways with whatever materials available. This is how she decided the idea of my MADE OF BAMBOO project - to repair these stools on the street with used bamboo sticks, so this kind of unique community environment and culture can be kept.
She wants to demonstrate an easy way to create "Prosthetics for Furniture" so that in the future, people can consider fixing broken furniture themselves before throwing them away.
Made of Bamboo Exhibition - On craft and design thinking
Presented by Environmental Campaign Committee, Environmental Protection Department, JupYeah

舊竹製造展覽 — 工藝復興.設計思考