Kay Chan Wan Ki
Product designer and community interaction planner陳韻淇畢業於香港理工大學設計學院,主修工業設計。現為產品設計師、社區互動策劃人,專注永續設計工作,將藝術和設計融入公共設施之中,促進社區環境共融。
長期致力參與社區互動策劃,在設計和創作過程之中加入社區參與元素。在2018年「未.共研社——眾.樂樂園」項目擔任荃灣二陂坊遊樂場設計。2020年,「非凡!屯門河 : 河樹山家族」項目為蔡意橋花園重塑公共空間,帶動社區關注保護環境生態的議題。同時開展有關創意思維、參與式設計的教育項目,合作機構包括賽馬會、M+、理工大學、PMQ。近年亦參與策展項目,觸發溝通和互動。2022年,為油街實現新空間開幕節目之一「貳零貳貳同學會」策展人之一。同年,亦是香港大型設計節deTour 2022「設計共同」策展人之一。
由於擅長啟發公眾創意,將公共設施的參與過程轉化為藝術探索和社區探索,2021年,「未.共研社——眾.樂樂園」的荃灣二陂坊遊樂場設計獲DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎大獎。同年,永續設計項目「設計再生:鹹魚」為韓國亞洲設計獎2021 GOLD WINNER。
Graduated from the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in Industrial Design, Kay Chan Wan Ki is a product designer and community interaction planner specialising in sustainable design, whilst integrating art and design into public spaces to promote community and environmental inclusion.
Kay's deep involvement in community interaction planning led her to infuse elements of community participation in her design and creative process. She was responsible for the design of the Tsuen Wan Yi Pei Square Playground as part of the 'Play is for the People' programme in 2018. In 2020, Kay redesigned the public space at Choi Yee Bridge Garden for the 'Viva! River' project to raise community awareness for environmental and ecological protection. She has also led educational programmes on creativity and participatory design with the Hong Kong Jockey Club, M+, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and PMQ. In recent years, Kay has actively participated in curatorial work that sparks communication and interaction, including the opening exhibition 'Our Living Library' at Oil Art Space in 2022 and deTour 2022 design festival “Design as one” in at PMQ. .
Kay has won recognition for her strength in inspiring public creativity and turning interactions with public spaces into artistic and community explorations. Her work on the Tsuen Wan Yi Pei Square Playground for the 'Play is for the People' programme won the Grand Award at the 2021 DFA Design For Asia Awards. In the same year, her sustainable design project 'Revive: Salted Fish' was named 2021 Gold Winner at South Korea's Asia Design Prize.