Making Workshop—Listen to the Wind (2021)
The epidemic has greatly reshaped our day-to-day, changing the way we see, live, and socialise. M+ invites visitors to a creative guided workshop where you can experience visual culture by making fun, wearable pieces and accessories inspired by works in the M+ galleries.
Cool breezes can whistle and howl through the M+ building. Designer Kay Chan and members of the M+ Young Collective volunteer programme will lead you through the indoor and outdoor spaces at M+, capturing and listening to the sound of wind. You will collect what you hear with a sound collecting apparatus and create a unique personal sound album.
This workshop is recommended for participants ages twelve and above.
Making Workshop—Listen to the Wind
Presented by M+
疫情改變了日常生活,也改變了我們觀看事物的模式。適逢開幕,M+ 因應當下新常態,打造一場別開生面的創意工作坊。你無需具備任何創作經驗,都能在藝術家引領下,一同製作可穿戴的作品並在博物館内遊走,透過不同感官開啟視覺以外的參觀體驗。
風能帶來涼意,也能帶來遠處的聲音。設計師陳韻淇將聯同「 M+青年部」義工計劃成員,帶領你在 M+ 各具特色的室內外空間中流連,聆聽和感受空氣的流動,捕捉風的聲音。你會製造具有聲音收集功能的配戴裝置,並將收集而來的聲音轉化成你的個人「專輯」。